Monday, October 4, 2010

Breast cancer...are there any OTHER DISEASES?

Be forewarned, I do have friends who are currently fighting the good fight, some very dear to me and I don't begrudge them any of the resources available to them as a result of all the research that has been put into breast cancer...butttttt, are there any other cancers, diseases, reasons for people to give their money away? I took Rob to Dicks tonight (wearing my partial wig and no hat just to see if he could keep a straight face as we poked the world in the belly and waited for a response)and there were pink ribbons everywhere. Pink ribbons on the shirts, pink ribbons on the water bottles, pink chairs with guess what? Ribbbbbooooonnnnnssss that were PPPPIIIIINNNNNNKKKKKKK. I wonder how many research dollars vs. making of more pink ribboned crap dollars has been spent thus far on the war against the only cancer, breast cancer. Well you know what? Screw you breast cancer, you decided to invaded me on the sneakiest most insidious terms. You decided to masquerade as a benign lump and then, all of a sudden, change the course of life as I know it with nary a cutesy tata slogan or ribbon of any color to lean on for support. I'm not done with my campaign of annoying my friends and shameless self promotion. In fact, I'm going to be in the Boston Herald next...a whole photo essay on how I'm doing this with a hand full of friends, for a hand full of friends. One life shattered is one full universe folks..that's enough for me.


  1. I know. I have one of the OTHER diseases and I have begin feeling left out and ignored. No ribbons for me, either.

  2. and did you watch football yesterday?! every player had pink shoes, pink gloves, pink chin straps, pink arm bands, pink towels, pink water bottles, pink cheerleaders. first of all i hope all the proceeds for that pink junk went to research or else they wasted their time. you should come up with a logo and a slogan and put me down for a size small t-shirt.


  3. I know what you are saying! But, it is proof of concept for you and your angiosarcoma groups funding of research. The level of public support of breast cancer research is in no small way do to the work of one strongly driven woman to fulfill a promise.

  4. Breast cancer is pink...what color is angiosarcoma? What we need is marketing, a symbol (no ribbons, please), a color, a face....
