Saturday, May 11, 2013

Steve Cunetta

Where ever there is wit, there is Steve Cunetta. Where ever there is an honest smile, Steve is there. Although I wish there were more time to pour into the details of each others lives, I'm so grateful that our paths crossed, or more appropriately, ran in parallel for a brief period of time. Steve is my inspiration and I'd be hard pressed to find another human who could match the amount of respect that he garnered in this world. He held it together with grace and dignity. He saw this mess as a unique opportunity, a chance to deliver the greatest lesson that one could offer in life... how to die well. Steve promised to send me signs of the after life in the most ridiculous fashion amenable to whatever other worldly form he takes. So I guess I'll wait, hopefully for a long time, with a sense of impending silliness for Steve to make true on his final promise to me.

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