Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Defense

Ted and John suggested that I wear a flak jacket and Kevlar helmet to my thesis defense, but I didn't want people to think it was ok to actually start shooting at me, so I wore jeans, a pair or Robby's old Vans and a button down shirt instead... Charly asked why I was so dressed up:). I like to present, so i wasn't nervous about getting up in front of all the smarties and selling them my science, I was however a little worried about the general audience just never know what chink they'll find in your armor. It was all good though, I got through the presentation with only one set of eyeballs struggling to stay open, the questions were more out of interest then out of "what the hell did you just say-ness", and the defense was actually kind of fun. I think the general expectation from people was that there would be this tremendous weight lifted off my shoulders as soon as it was done. The weight didn't actually fall off when I was called Dr. Painter for the first time, in fact I decided to carry it around for a couple more days, maybe I was afraid of the unbearable lightness of being (thanks Kunderda). It's only been within the past day or two that the, "I'm really done" feeling has started to sink's niceeeee. I've been watching cheesy movies and snuggling with by grad school quagmire!


  1. It is a great felling,isn't it! Congratulations again!

  2. you said:
    "the questions were more out of interest then out of "what the hell did you just say-ness", and the defense was actually kind of fun."
    You have the gift to explain things to the general population where we actually understand it. I told you that many times. I am happy you can see that gift in you. You are surely one of a kind!.. I hope you end up teaching our future generation. You give me hope for a better tomorrow!
